Verónica Werckmeister

Phenomenal Woman

Sevilla-Spain // 2010

I was invited to participate in the “Art for All “ Sevilla with 35 of the best international mural artists from 28 different countries. Together we trasformed the Sevillian  neighborhood Poligono de San Pablo in 2 weeks.

Each artist created a mural inspired by the 8 Millenium Development Goals set by the United Nations for 2015.

My contribution was a mural dedicated to the feminist struggle, an image accompanied by a poem by Maya Angelou “Phenomenal  Woman” and the lyrics to the song by Bebe: “Ella”.

Collaborating Artists: Christina Werckmeister, Marta Gil and Alicia Vallejo.

Technique: Acrylic paint, ceramic and mirror.

Size: 140 m²

El Diario de Sevilla
El Diario
El País
ABC Sevilla
Sevilla Actualidad
El Correo
Destino Infinito
Fotos de Hoy
Roberto Paneque